Monday, 26 November 2012

Component Parts of a Microprocessor System

Research the component parts of a microprocessor system.
Produce a single side of A4 explaining each part and what it does.
Describe how the system as a whole interacts.

You may find this web site of value!!!

Monday, 22 October 2012

741 Op-Amp

Draw a circuit for a 741 op-amp inverting amplifier. Due in Thursday during the lesson.

Friday, 12 October 2012


5 find transistors. Note down their name, Max Ice, hFE

Thursday, 27 September 2012

EG203, LO1

Following on from our visit to Joblings Kia you are to complete your write-up for LO1. In this section you are to compare the two industries you have visited, compare their use of computers, noting advantages and disadvantages for each. Compare the value (not monetary) they place on their computers.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

EG205 Homework

Produce 5 Egg-head style questions (one correct answer, two plausible but wrong answers) that cover the following subjects;

The Resistor Colour Code
Ohm's Law

This is in preparation for a team game on Monday 24th September P5.